BREXIT: Breaks it or Builds it?

Introduction to Brexit The immediate reaction of to the epoch - making referendum of BREXIT or “British Exit” has been mixed; while the EU skeptics rejoiced, others contemplated the far-reaching impact that this decision would have on the economy and global relations as a whole. The immediate fallout of the referendum was the free-fall of the pound, hitting a 30-year low; this was followed by the resignation of the British Prime Minister. A new Prime Minister Mrs Theresa May took charge even as Britain geared itself to a life after Brexit. The terms of separation stipulate that the actual severance from the EU would take two years, and the provision of the British constitution state that the invocation of Article 50 would signal the start of this two-year countdown. The new Prime Minister has , however , deferred the promulgation of Article 50 till next year. The effects of Brexit are too many and as of now it would be difficult to predict correctly how wide th...