Countering Domestic Violence – Vision for a Better World

N idhi is a working lady belonging to a middle-class family. Her husband physically assaults her every day and she has to cover herself completely before she leaves home. The signs of assault have scarred not only her body but her mind too. Pushpa is all of 12 years and stays with her father and step-mother. Each day she is thrashed for not doing the daily household chores. One fine day she runs away from home to escape this ordeal. These are few of the different forms of violence that women suffer during their lifetime. Genesis of Violence on Women The majority of the women in this world are subjected to violence in some form or other. Violence per se is an effective weapon for subjugation, more so when the man perpetrates such violence on a woman. Not all forms of violence are physical, though. Mental and economic torture is also potent forms of violence that are often unleashed on women. The reasons for unleashing such violence on women can range f...