Aids to Enrich Investor Knowledge
The festive season is upon us in India. Mother Lakshmi, Goddess of
wealth, is out blessing households. People earnestly pray for everlasting
financial prosperity and try to invoke god’s Midas touch in all financial
dealings that they wish to undertake in the days to come, during this fortnight. While their fervent
prayers and offerings may please god and bring them bounties in the short run,
it is knowledge and common sense that will ensure long lasting financial
stability and prosperity.
On this festive occasion let us pray that the mighty goddess
bestow us with some knowledge which will help perfect our financial decision-making
Here we go..
Learning is a continuous process. Each day we enrich our
experience and knowledge by coming across new events and various interactions.
Investors relentlessly strive to get their decisions right. Clinical precision
is what they seek, some like Warren Buffet succeed, some other wannabe
‘Buffets’ are not as fortunate. The quest for new information and knowledge
continues perpetually. Here are a few things which investors will find
interesting and will aid them in their search for knowledge and
Life along with the various other components associated with
it, are cyclic in nature. Life cycles and business cycles provide a fair idea
of how the circular pattern manifests itself. A serious investor is also well
aware that cycles have an important role to play in their investment decisions
and actions.
From the investor’s point of view there are two rules which
have to be accepted as cardinal truths:
Rule I: Most things
prove to be cyclical
Rule II: Some of the
greatest opportunities of gain and loss accrue when people forget rule one.
“Every rise has a fall”, “good things do not last forever
just as bad things cannot be everlasting” and other such similar metaphors go
on to highlight the fact that the circle or wheel is always rolling. An
investor cannot afford to forget the existence of credit or investment cycles
and should not base their investment decisions merely by extrapolating trends
into the future. If the present position of the cycle cannot be properly
deciphered then it will lead to the belief that the chain of good or bad events will continue
With experience, knowledge and increased awareness investors
are able to identify patterns and can shape their financial behaviour and attitudes
accordingly. While it is always wise to be aware of the past it is also
important to be attentive about the present. A fact which is adequately backed
by figures prove that mistakes and scams occur more often during the best of
times than otherwise. Market watchers tell us that when cheap money is offered,
people often borrow, buy and build indiscreetly which later snowballs into a
major crisis.
While it is easy to surf the internet and consult sundry
magazines and newspapers for future forecasts, it is essential and imperative
for a prudent investor to understand the nuances of cycles. This will help them
to base their investment decisions on a sound footing.
The investment market is like the pendulum of the old grand
father’s clock. It goes ticktock from euphoria to eureka at one end and
desperation to dismay at the other. Knowing which way the pendulum is moving is
at the essence of good judgement in the investment field.
Under ideal conditions the best position for an investor vis-à-vis
the pendulum is when it is neither on an upswing nor on a downswing but at the
point of equilibrium. However, this is purely a hypothetical situation as the
pendulum will perpetually swing back and forth and will rarely be in
equilibrium. The investor has to understand the behaviour of the pendulum in a
manner which will give him the best leverage. This is by no means an easy task
and it is always difficult to identify how long an arc the pendulum is going to
make on either side.
Where we stand
It is always important to assess a position with respect to
various direct and indirect influences working in the immediate environment. This
is equally true in the world of investments. Knowing where we stand in the
market lets us make an objective assessment of the situation and act
Our position on the investment landscape is measurable when there
is awareness about the business cycle, the progress of the pendulum is known
and discretion is used to judge information available. Pragmatism remains the cornerstone
of good investment decisions. The mantra for happy life of the investor lies in
being proactive in cutting down undue risks, zealously grabbing opportunities and
gauging the market sentiments and attitudes.
While driving through blinding rain or swirling fog a driver
has to use a combination of his knowledge, skill, confidence and perseverance
in overcoming the odds. He cannot follow the same method as other drivers (on
the same route) in all cases as the parameters may be different for him –
bigger car, less fuel, different physical features etc. This brings about a
change in the driving strategy. For an investor the situation is somewhat
similar as in both cases it is not known as to what lies ahead.
Investor tips
Investors would be keen to know how they can sharpen their
skills by being acquainted with knowledge about the cycles, the position of the
pendulum and the place where they stand.
Here are a set of questions which they can ask for a start:
Are investors optimistic or pessimistic about
the market?
What do the media and financial experts have to
say about the market – indulge in or refrain?
Are security offerings and fund opportunities
being weighed upon for making windfall gains or pitfalls?
Is capital readily available or hard to obtain
as per the current credit cycle?
Are P/E ratios high or low in the context of
history and are yield spreads tight or generous?
Is too much money chasing too few deals?
Assessment of the answers can be done by the investor
himself or help can be sought from an expert financial adviser who can
interpret the results of the questions and provide good guidance and feedback
to the investor.
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